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Create mental review policy in our educational institutions to nip growing mental instability in the bud- Preventive Security Expert

A Security Preventive Analyst, Peter Bismark Kwoffie has bemoaned the lack of policy direction in the prevention of crime.

Threat is a criminal offence with serious implications unfortunately; the lack of policy has made people get away with them, only to implement those threats to the disadvantage of the victim.

He said, most people in the society are not averse to some basic security implication laws which are of criminal in nature, and therefore people commit them with impunity, citing threat to life and property as an example.

According to Mr Kwoffie, the society has lots of mentally disabled persons, but they have not shown acute abnormality, they are tagged as worrisome without medically accessing the mental state of such individuals, until they cause havoc on others.

He noted that, health security has been divorced from mental state of individuals which later become violent and uncontrollable.

He advocated a constant mental review policy in our educational institutions to nip growing mental instability in the bud, noting that, there are lots of signals to the development of mental conditions from childhood stages, but most of these signals are ignored and only tagged as troublesome children, especially as bully, which later develops into serious mental conditions and a threat to other lives.

He noted that, when people exhibit violence and calmness within short interval of times,  should give warning signals of mental instability, which calls for attention.

The Security Preventive Analyst noted that, violence that culminates as a result of mental conditions do not happen in the spare of the moment, but has been the result of accumulated psychological state of mind and the possible abuse of the victim’s right over a prolonged period.

Therefore the demonstration of violence is an indication of mental pain that has not been addressed over the period.

Speaking on Ahotor 92.3fm news, Mr Kwoffie said, unfortunately, when people even become violent, they are dumped in the mental homes and the focus is to calm the person down, but the causative factors are hardly addressed.

Godfred Sey/

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