SportsSports Foreign News

Copa America : Venezuela Humbles Mexico

Venezuela narrowly defeated Mexico with a 1:0 victory in a thrilling encounter in their second game of the ongoing Copa América.

The game’s solitary goal came in the 57th minute when Venezuelan forward Salomon Gimenez convert a penalty spot at the corner of the Mexico net to take the lead and send their fans into a frenzy.

Despite numerous attempts by Mexico to equalize, including a few close calls, the Venezuelan defense held firm, showcasing resilience and tactical discipline. Venezuelan goalkeeper Rafael Romo made several crucial saves, even saving an awarded penalty , preserving his team’s slim advantage until the final whistle.

This victory propels Venezuela 1st position in their Copa América group B after winning all their two games and prepare for the last round of game against Jamaica.

Standings :

Venezuela – 6

Ecuador – 3

Mexico – 3

Jamaica – 0

Story by : George Opoku Boateng . . Ahotor FM. X-Prekese GH

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