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CLOGSAG advises Auditor-General to stick to its main function

The Civil and Local Government Staff Association Ghana (CLOGSAG) on Tuesday called on the Auditor-General to concentrate on its statutory mandate of verifying audited reports submitted by internal auditors from the various Public institutions.

CLOGSAG said it is the duty the Auditor-General to go through the reports presented and not to do the internal audit functions of the units within the various Public Institutions.

CLOGSAG Executive Secretary, Isaac Bampoe Addo, stated that at a press conference in Accra that the association deems it anomalous for the Auditor-General to be directly involved, in the audit of the “Ghost Names,” elimination programme itself.

He said there have been several consultancies on the issue of ghost names which posed a serious threat in the administration of the payroll in the country.

He said the efficacy of these earlier attempts had been assessed by the Auditor-General “so why is he embarking on another programme on the same subject”?

“CLOGSAG believes the Auditor-General’s involvement in the elimination of the ghost names on the public sector payroll will deny them the checks and balances in the execution of projects within the public services,” he said.

Mr Bampoe Addo explained that “CLOGSAG is of the opinion that, the Auditor General should rather turn his attention to the unending consultancies that have lasted for several years and continues to drain the national purse”.

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