
Chef Smith made a mistake by not consulting me before the cook-a-thon attempt – Dr. UN

It was revealed by Dr UN, also known as Kwame Owusu Fordjour, that Chef Smith made an error by not consulting him before attempting the cook-a-thon.

Dr UN mentioned in an interview that he was unaware of the controversy until he was tagged in social media discussions.

According to Dr UN, Chef Smith should have independently organized the cook-a-thon rather than seeking validation from Guinness World Records.

Dr UN suggested that creating a personal brand for the cook-a-thon could lead to greater long-term success and the possibility of turning it into an annual event.

Dr. UN expressed, “I didn’t know anything about Chef Smith or the cook-a-thon saga until I was tagged in the issue. I think Chef Smith should have consulted me before attempting his cook-a-thon.”

Dr. UN also mentioned that he would give Chef Smith a positive citation to enhance his reputation as well as help establish the cook-a-thon as an independent event.

Chef Smith recently held a press conference announcing himself as the current record holder for the Longest Cooking Marathon, proudly displaying a certificate from Guinness World Records that was later exposed as fraudulent.

Story by Obaapa Janee

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