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Chairman Ofosu-Ampofo mocks President Akuffo Addo by citing demons and principalities as a possible cause of non appointment of MMDCE’s 7months into his second term.

The National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, Hon. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo has mocked president President Akuffo Addo over failure to replace MMDCE’s appointed under his first term in office after 7 months into his second term.

According to Chairman Ofosu-Ampofo, who is a local governnce expert and a former minster of local government and rural development, it’s unconstitutional for MMDCE’s appointed in the first term of president to remain in office till date . He revealed that their tenure and constitutional mandate has expired and do not have the right to sign contracts or procure anything in the name of the Assemblies

Speaking to the Citizen Kofi on Ahotor92.3 fm morning show dubbed Adekye Mu Nsem, Chairman Ofosu-Ampofo mocked president Akuffo Addo with the recent comments by his veep Dr. Bawumia who accused demons and principalities as cause of Ghana’s current economic hardships.

” It’s a continous government not a new government, you haven’t appointed MMDCE’s where policy implementations take place so I’m asking if the demonds and principalities desturbing the economy have also entered the governance sector affecting the appointment of MMCE’s ” he questioned .

According to him, there’s nothing called acting MMDCE’S in the laws, he Indicated that, in such intances the law requires the supervisory role of Regional ministers to be invoked over the Assemblies until new MMDCE’s are appointed and same approved.

Ivan Kyei Innocent/ Ahotoronline.com

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Ivan Kyei Innocent | Administrator | Ahotoronline.com

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