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Arrest of Movement for Change lead member sparks controversy ahead of elections-Dr. Jonathan Otchere

The New Patriotic Party government’s attempt to arrest Hopeson Adorye, a prominent member of the Movement for Change, over his claim of detonating dynamites in the Volta Region during the 2016 General Elections has stirred significant controversy, particularly in this election year. Dr. Jonathan Asante Otchere, a political analyst and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, voiced his concerns on the Adekyee Mu Nsem morning show on Ahotor 92.3 FM, hosted by Citizen Kofi Owusu in Accra.

Dr. Otchere suggested that the government’s actions might inadvertently provide Adorye with a platform to expose any illicit activities he may have been involved in during past elections. He argued that instead of stifling Adorye, authorities should have allowed him to address pertinent issues concerning previous administrations.

Expressing alarm at the potential impact on the government’s image and electoral prospects, Dr. Otchere warned that the handling of Adorye’s case could severely damage the ruling party’s credibility and public perception leading up to the December 7th election.

He further noted the difficulty the prosecution might face in substantiating Adorye’s claims, considering the political nature of the allegations and the challenges in proving their veracity beyond a reasonable doubt.

In a separate development, Yaw Buaben Asamoa, a member of the Movement for Change and former Member of Parliament for the Adentan constituency, denounced Adorye’s arrest as politically motivated. He recounted the events leading to Adorye’s detention, highlighting the perceived influence of higher authorities in the decision.

Buaben Asamoa asserted that Adorye’s arrest was an attempt to intimidate and silence him, given his outspokenness on various issues. He dismissed the notion that Adorye’s detention would weaken the Movement for Change, emphasizing their resilience in the face of such tactics.

As Adorye remains in custody pending further investigation, the controversy surrounding his arrest underscores the political tensions and maneuvers ahead of the upcoming elections.

AYM Kukah.

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