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Jean Mensa lacks credibility to assure Ghanaians of a transparent voters register – Solomon Owusu.

Solomon Owusu, a National Communication Team Member of the Movement for Change, has expressed serious concerns about the credibility of Ghana’s Electoral Commission (EC) under the leadership of Jean Adukwei Mensa.

He questioned the EC’s ability to deliver a transparent voter register for the upcoming elections, stating that their responses to concerns raised have been inadequate and lacking substance.

In an interview discussing the recent Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting on the 2024 voter register, Owusu highlighted vulnerabilities in the EC’s system, pointing out that even the EC’s own IT director admitted that the commission operates on a “zero trust” policy.

He argued that if the EC staff themselves do not trust their system, it is unreasonable to expect Ghanaians to have faith in the voter registration process.

Owusu referenced previous incidents, including missing laptops, as evidence that the current EC leadership cannot be trusted.

He called on Jean Mensa and her team to submit to a forensic audit of the voter register to clear their names if they have nothing to hide, suggesting this would help restore confidence in their work ahead of the elections.

Story by: Onokwafo Yaw Asiedu/ Ahotoronline.com


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