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Residents at klagon on multiple drugs as they share space with refuse dump

Residents in Klagon 19 down a place next to the lagoon rightly behind the DRC event center in the Greater Accra region are calling for help.

According to the residents, their health issues are much complicated after a land in the middle of the town was sold to rubbish collector’s to dump refuse.

A land which has been sold to some Chinese workers for industrial purposes has been turned to a dump site.

The pollution caused by the dump site is too harsh and causing so much pain and problems to the people of the community.

Day in and day out refuse are been brought to this dump site. The location of the dump site has caused so many problems in the community.

It has caused health problems, like malaria, Cholera because we know this disease can be spread by mosquitoes and flies , and we know their breeding grounds are dirty places and places where there is stagnant water.

There have been complains from the people in the community concerning this issue. They say that anytime they try to confront the people in charge of the dump site they are assaulted. They have it that the land guards in charge of the place are the ones who give them the go ahead.

So anytime you speak about it or attempt to call the police, they will come to your place and assault you, they’re always armed with knives and other sharp objects, so if care is not taken you can be killed.

They also blame the assembly man for promoting this menace by taking money from the motor cyclist who comes to dump the refuse to pay the police officers who are sent to come and help curb the situation.

One pastor in the community spoke about why his members refuse to come to church .He says that the stench from the dump site worries them a lot , and also sometimes when the refuse is been burnt the smoke worries them a lot . He cited that 31st night they encountered the same problem, the refuse were been burnt causing smoke all over the church , even with the nose mask they were still suffering . And when he spoke about it, he was nearly beaten .

Residents say that the stench , smoke and other stuffs are hazardous to human lives , because they have children who are around and if care is not taken , they can contract very serious disease.

It was said that, there hasn’t been any dump site there until recent times.

Story by: Ama Baidoo /

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