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Angry resident cries out for speed ramps on LeKMA road to prevent rampant killing of loved ones.

Residents around Teshie police station to Lekma road in the Greater Accra Region appeal to the Ghana Highways Authority to provide speed ramps to slow down vehicles, applying the road so that elderly people and children can cross safely. 

The communicators said that even though the road is not fully constructed, however, authorities can provide temporal measures to ensure the lives of the people in the community while the construction of appropriate speed ramps takes place.

The call of the ramps construction is to check the speed of motorists following constant pedestrian knockdowns being witnessed.

Some people who spoke with an Ahotor FM reporter said they had witnessed numerous road accidents and Pedestrians being hit and killed by motorists while crossing the road.

The Occupants, therefore, appealed to the Member of Parliament for the Ledzokuku Constituency, Hon. Benjamin Narteh Ayiku, and the road Authorities to immediately provide them with speed ramps at major crossing areas to compel drivers to Standardize their speed.

Additionally, they seek the intervention of the chiefs to perform all the necessary traditions to chase out any bad omen on the road.

“Mostly spot joints on roads where accidents and knockdown normally occur are termed as SPIRIT BASED area which brings fear into the residents, Hence, libation exercise needs to be carried out for the

freedom of the people—we appeal to the chiefs to come to our aid,” they said.

The Father of Teshie Mantse, Nii Ashitey spoke into the matter that it’s has come to their notice of the numerous Knockdowns and they are making an arrangement to let the urban road authorities provide speed ramps on the road.

Nii Ashitey noted that the chiefs, and the road authorities will hold a meeting on this matter coming Saturday.

Story by: Linda Yeboah (

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