Before the recent homosexuality brouhaha which was ignited by the president’s comment hit the media, Mmebunu Mmere, the most authoritative youth program on radio has spent the past three Saturdays looking into the world of homosexuality.
And listening to last Saturday’s edition of the show, two things were clear:
- Both the Islamic and the Christian communities detest the act and
- Ghanaians are not ready for homosexuality to get legalized.
Referencing the biblical story, where God destroyed the twin-cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, due to their practice of homosexuality, Rev Emmanuel Todd of the Glory Deliverance Church of God, opined that, God, for that matter Christianity, frowns on and abhors homosexuality.
Explaining further to Mr Akyena Brantuo, the host of the show on Ahotor 92.3fm, about what he and other ministers of the gospel intend to do to change the heart and minds of the people, Rev Todd said they would use love and the word of God to renew and transform people’s mind to understand that the ultimate goal for every human being is to do what the word of God has said. “Inasmuch as the Christian fraternity will reach out to the homosexuals to rescue them from their abominable acts, we will however, stand firm against any attempt to legalise homosexuality in the country,” he stressed.
Hearing Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Bagnya’s view on the topic suggested that the key foundation of both the Islam and Christians decrying homosexuality is the Sodom and Gomorrah’s account.
In his words, “homosexuality is something that is hugely frowned on in Islam. Islamism conforms to the laws of nature, and homosexuality violates the natural law of having sex.” “Islam frowns hugely on the act but not on the people who engage in it,” the television presenter, Host of TV3 IQRA show was quick to add.
On the legal perspective, lawyer Maurice Ampaw explained the laws of the land do not explicitly criminalise lesbianism as it does gays. However, he said, in his opinion, men can sue women who engage in lesbianism on the basis of infringing on their fundamental human right to have sex.
I was much enlightened by some of the causes why people engage in homosexuality as explained by Akyena Brantuo, the host. Some of the causes he stated were:
- Dangerous sexual behaviours, where people experiment and practice different sexual acts on their partners and in the process, discover other sensitive parts of the body like the anus. He said there was absolutely no difference between a gay and the men who have anal sex with women.
- Infant abuse, where as an infant, the individual is sexually abused by a homosexual and as that individual grows up, the act becomes part of him/her.
- When an individual is betrayed by the opposite, some of them tend to resent the opposite sex and begin to develop feelings towards members of their own gender.
- Lack of love from spouse or parents. Most people don’t receive the kind and level of love they desire so they are highly insecure and crave for attention. And if they happen to find this love and attention from a homosexual, then, they in turn, are lured into becoming one.
- Poverty is another cause. Lack of money to possess basic or luxurious needs also lead people into becoming homosexuals when they happen to come across a homosexual who naturally lavishes gifts and other necessities on them.
- The kinds of standard society sets where we tend to accept anything that’s coming from the West.
- Ignorance is also one of the factors. Many people have been deceived that homosexuality is normal and it’s just a different sexual orientation. They are ignorant about the implications of being a homosexual. And just like any other addictive substance, it becomes very difficult for people to break free from it once they start.
- He stated identity crisis where even though the individual is a man or woman, their minds tell them otherwise, as one of the causes, the reason some women dress like men and vice versa.
- Lack of proper sex education was also one of the factors he stated.
Mr Akyena concluded by saying “homosexuals need to seek help and get realigned”.
To conclude it was a very educative program and I would want to commend the entire Mmebunu Mmere team for the great works that they are doing for mother Ghana.