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Why Ghanaians must vote for John Mahama come December 7 – NDC Insight.

As the December 7th, 2024 election approaches, it is clear that His Excellency John Dramani Mahama is the candidate who embodies the experience, vision, and commitment necessary to lead Ghana towards a prosperous future. His comprehensive plans for development, dedication to social welfare, and unwavering commitment to good governance position him as the ideal leader for this critical moment in Ghana’s history.

NDC Insight is a youth of affiliated to the opposition National Democratic Congress with the aim of connecting policies and people of the party.

They gave key points to back their claims on why Ghanaians must give John Dramani Mahama and the NDC the nod to lead this country.

Here is the release.

NDC Insight Communication Team
NDC Insight
Motto: “Connecting Policy & People “


NDC Insight: Why His Excellency John Dramani Mahama Must Win the Elections on December 7th, 2024

Accra, Ghana


As Ghana prepares for the pivotal presidential election on December 7th, 2024, the choice of leadership will significantly influence the country’s future development and progress. His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, a seasoned politician and former president of Ghana, stands out as the most qualified candidate to lead the nation. Here are some compelling reasons why he must be elected as the next president of Ghana.

Experience and Leadership:

John Dramani Mahama possesses a wealth of experience in governance, having served as Vice President and later as President of Ghana from 2012 to 2017. His tenure was marked by significant advancements in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, showcasing his leadership abilities and unwavering commitment to the country’s development agenda. Mahama’s adeptness at navigating the complexities of governance and his deep understanding of national issues make him a capable leader ready to steer Ghana towards greater prosperity.

Vision for Development:

Mahama has articulated a clear and comprehensive vision for Ghana’s development that prioritizes critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and job creation. His proposed policies include substantial investments in technology and innovation to drive economic growth, enhancing educational opportunities for all Ghanaians, and improving healthcare services to ensure the well-being of the populace. Mahama’s vision resonates with the aspirations of Ghanaians for a brighter and more prosperous future, and he is committed to implementing policies that deliver tangible results.

Unity and Inclusivity:

One of Mahama’s core principles is the promotion of unity and inclusivity within Ghana’s diverse society. He has consistently advocated for policies that bridge divides and foster social cohesion, recognizing that a united nation is essential for progress. Mahama’s leadership embodies the belief that every Ghanaian deserves a voice and a stake in the country’s development, and he aims to create an environment where all citizens feel valued and included in the national conversation.

Strengthening International Relations:

Mahama’s extensive experience on the global stage positions him to enhance Ghana’s international standing. During his previous administration, he successfully strengthened diplomatic ties with various nations, promoting trade and investment opportunities that benefitted the Ghanaian economy. His expertise in international relations is vital for attracting foreign investment and creating strategic partnerships that will propel Ghana’s development.

Commitment to Good Governance:

Integrity and accountability are cornerstones of Mahama’s leadership philosophy. Throughout his political career, he has demonstrated a commitment to good governance, transparency, and the rule of law. His administration’s focus on eradicating corruption and ensuring that government resources are used for the benefit of all Ghanaians is crucial for restoring public trust in government institutions.
His tenure was marked by significant contributions to peacekeeping efforts in West Africa and active participation in various international forums. Mahama understands the importance of diplomacy in fostering regional stability, promoting economic cooperation, and addressing global challenges. His ability to navigate complex international relationships will be invaluable in enhancing Ghana’s standing on the world stage and securing partnerships that drive national development.

Empowerment Through Youth Engagement:

John Dramani Mahama recognizes the critical role that the youth play in shaping Ghana’s future. He is committed to empowering young people through education, entrepreneurship, and skills development initiatives. By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and creativity, Mahama aims to equip the youth with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive global economy. His focus on youth engagement ensures that the next generation will be active participants in Ghana’s development journey.

Proposed 24-Hour Economy:

One of the cornerstone initiatives of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama’s vision for Ghana is the establishment of a 24-Hour Economy. This innovative approach aims to transform the economic landscape by creating a vibrant, round-the-clock economic activity across various sectors. The concept involves promoting businesses that operate beyond traditional hours, thereby maximizing productivity and job creation.

By supporting industries such as hospitality, retail, and technology to extend their service hours, Mahama envisions a significant increase in employment opportunities and economic output. This initiative will not only stimulate local economies but also attract foreign investment, positioning Ghana as a competitive player in the global market. A 24-hour economy will also provide greater flexibility for workers, allowing them to choose shifts that best suit their lifestyles, ultimately improving their quality of life.

Women’s Bank Initiative:

Recognizing the vital role that women play in Ghana’s economic development, Mahama is committed to establishing a Women’s Bank, aimed specifically at supporting female entrepreneurs and women-led businesses. This financial institution will provide tailored financial products, including loans with favorable terms, savings accounts, and investment opportunities designed to empower women economically.

The Women’s Bank will also offer financial literacy programs and entrepreneurship training to equip women with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in business. By fostering an environment where women can access capital and resources, Mahama aims to close the gender gap in entrepreneurship and promote gender equality in economic participation. This initiative not only empowers women but also contributes to broader economic growth, as women’s participation in the economy has been shown to lead to more sustainable development outcomes.

Launch of a National Digital Job Bank:

In response to the changing job landscape and the increasing importance of technology in the workforce, Mahama has proposed the launch of a National Digital Job Bank. This platform will serve as a centralized hub for job seekers and employers, utilizing digital technology to match skills with job opportunities efficiently.

The National Digital Job Bank will offer a range of services, including job listings, resume-building tools, interview preparation resources, and career counseling. By leveraging data analytics, the platform will identify skills gaps in the labor market and inform educational institutions and vocational training centers on how to align their curricula with industry needs.

Furthermore, this initiative aims to support young people entering the job market by providing access to internships, apprenticeships, and mentorship programs. The digital job bank will not only streamline the job search process but also promote workforce development and enhance employability, thereby addressing the high unemployment rates

Restoration of Trust in Governance:

A key component of Mahama’s platform is the restoration of trust in public institutions. He has consistently championed transparency, accountability, and the rule of law throughout his political career. Mahama’s push for good governance includes measures to combat corruption and ensure that government resources are utilized effectively for the benefit of all Ghanaians. By prioritizing good governance, he aims to rebuild public confidence in leadership and create an environment where citizens feel empowered to hold their leaders accountable.

Comparison of Former President John Dramani Mahama’s Achievements and the Current NPP Government

One of the notable achievements of John Mahama during his tenure as
President was his emphasis on infrastructure development. He initiated
and completed various infrastructural projects across the country,
including roads, schools, hospitals, and energy projects. The construction
of the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange in Accra, the expansion of the Tema
Motorway, and the establishment of the University of Health and Allied
Sciences in the Volta Region are some examples of his infrastructural
In contrast, the governance of Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia under the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has been criticized for its handling of the economy and
infrastructure development. We argue that Akufo-Addo’s policies have not effectively addressed the country’s infrastructure needs, and his economic policies have led to rising debt levels and inflation.
Under Mahama’s administration, the economy of Ghana experienced
growth and stability, with the newly initiatives such as the “24-hour
Economy” policy aimed at boosting economic activity and productivity.
This policy sought to create an enabling environment for businesses to operate around the clock, thereby stimulating economic growth and job
The spokesperson for NDC Insight Dr. Anthony Sorkpah believes that John Mahama and the NDC’s track record of infrastructure development, economic policies, and commitment to improving the lives of Ghanaians make him a better choice for the country compared Dr. Bawumia and the NPP. We see Mahama as
a strong leader with a vision for the country’s development, and we believe
that his experience and accomplishments as President make him the best candidate for the presidency.
During his four years in office as President of Ghana, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, under the NDC party, made significant strides in infrastructure development that set him apart from the subsequent eight years of Nana Akufo-Addo’s presidency, with Dr. Bawumia as Vice President. We believe that Mahama’s accomplishments during his tenure
make him the best candidate for Ghana’s presidency.
John Mahama’s administration prioritized infrastructure projects aimed at
improving the country’s physical and social infrastructure. Some of the notable infrastructure achievements during his presidency include the construction of hospitals, such as the Ridge Hospital in Accra, the completion of the Kotoka International Airport Terminal 3, the
establishment of new universities, the provision of affordable housing, the
development of polyclinics, and the construction of community senior high
schools. These projects reflected Mahama’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all Ghanaians and promoting national development. In contrast, NDC Insight believes that Nana Akufo-Addo’s and Dr. Bawumia’s tenure as President has
been characterized by what we perceive as failed governance, particularly in the area of infrastructure development. We argues that Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia’s administration has not adequately addressed the country’s infrastructure needs and that his policies have not effectively promoted national development.
NDC Insight supports John Mahama for his transparency, integrity, and dedication
to serving the Ghanaian public. We believe that his commitment to repossessing state-owned properties bought by individuals and preventing cabinet members from such purchases demonstrates his anti-corruption
stance and accountability in governance. Furthermore, we highlight Mahama’s leadership qualities, statesmanship, and track record of delivering tangible infrastructure projects as reasons why we have confidence in his ability to lead Ghana towards progress and prosperity.
John Dramani Mahama’s achievements in infrastructure development, economic policies, and commitment to improving the lives of Ghanaians make him a strong candidate for the presidency. His focus on
infrastructure projects and the implementation of policies like the “24-hour
Economy” demonstrate his dedication to advancing Ghana’s development and prosperity.


NDC Insight urges all Ghanaians to recognize the importance of this election and to support Mahama’s candidacy. Together, we can ensure that Ghana continues on a path of progress, unity, and sustainable growth. It is time to elect a leader who understands the needs and aspirations of the people and is ready to work tirelessly for the betterment of our nation.

Remember, he is number 8 on the ballot paper.

For media inquiries, please contact:

NDC Insight Communication Team
Dr. Anthony Sorkpah
NDC Insight


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