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Adhere strictly to lawful orders while standing firm against any unlawful directives – Asiedu Nketiah to Ghana Police Service.

Mr. Asiedu Nketiah has urged security personnel, particularly those in the Ghana Police Service, to adhere strictly to lawful orders while standing firm against any unlawful directives.

Addressing the media after the National Democratic Congress (NDC) successfully presented two separate petitions to Parliament and the Electoral Commission during their “Enough is Enough” demonstration, he emphasized the importance of a forensic audit of the voters’ register.

Mr. Nketiah warned that when the crucial moment arrives, every officer will be held accountable for their actions individually.

He cautioned that the political protection some personnel currently believe they have will not shield them indefinitely.

He reminded the officers of the solemn oath they took upon their commission, which is to serve the citizens of Ghana with integrity.

Their duty is to the people, not to any temporary holders of power who might issue wrongful instructions.

Mr. Nketiah called on the security personnel to prioritize their commitment to upholding the law and protecting the democratic process over any political allegiances.

He stressed that their loyalty should be to the country and its citizens, ensuring that they act in accordance with the principles of justice and fairness at all times.


Story by: Osei Akoto (Teacher Kojo)

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