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Nana Frema Busia Writes: K.A Busia ‘s legacy in Tatters?

Dear Dad,  my heart deeply aches on this your  death anniversary, 28th of August 2024. I am totally dismayed by the  scandal- laden H. E  Akufo Addo misgovernance parade.

I cannot in good conscience support  the Danquah- Dombo NPP  rubble- rousers even though  intimidating policemen came to point guns at my gate.  Neither will I vote for NPP as currently formulated  with self- seeking  corrupt intellectuals and itinerant hoodlums at it’s core, even though they falsely call themselves Patriots

I utterly do not care for their sad, divisive, embarrassing and ridiculous  revisionist tribal  agenda and digitization mantra as though it were gospel.

“They do not do what they say
What we have seen them do
Is not what we heard them say
What we see is :
Back pedaling
recycling old with new things
That we know they will not do”

They have done violence to integrity in governance and capsized the economy with inept management  and a pompous sense of entitlement as though Ghana and it’s resources belong to them for  their perpetual benefit .

Nkrumaist should hold their horses. Self- centered NPPist cannot even rally around K.A  Busia, as the author of ” democracy in freedom”  they claim to have adopted. They do not adhere to the norms or ethical values in democracy Busia  held dear, using common humanity as a basis for equittable grassroots  governance and systemic progress.

What exactly  is the point of  enraging Nkrumaist with Akufo Addo’s founders’ diatribe and Napo’s  “Your Nkrumah” disrespectful snub at a time of their engineered national economic crisis?

It is Ghana’s current pitiable dependence on IMF monetary sustenance and IMF supervisory dictates which should be the focus of attention.  This aftermath hollow bragging of economic prowess  which crowned Dr. Bawunia as incompetent, self – acclaimed  driver’s mate instead of an effective  co- pilot now  re- styled as digital messiah.

This current NPP kukrudu elephant and it’s politically vagabond cadre is an animal unknown to my father, and, he would not support them in my view were he alive.  Neither can I endorse the NPP.

There is absolutely no Busia tradition in their dubious selective egoistic operations and historic falsehoods parading as peacocks without authenticity in my father’s name while decimating his image just like the scrawny crumbling unfit statue grudgingly placed at “37 circle” without signage

K. A Busia, the world acclaimed, humble, ultimate African Professor of his era, founded the Ghana Congress party, was elected, and led  the Opposition United Party  with courage, before going into exile. He was also the Representative of Ashanti and Brong Ahafo and was famous at household level. He became Prime Minister when his Progress party  with a symbol of the Rising Sun grounded in  African cultural Democratic, ideational and philosophical principles, won the 1969 elections as head of government and Commander in Chief of Ghana armed forces in the second Republic of Ghana.

 A jealous and irate H E Akufo Addo who is without the international gravitas of either Nkrumah or Busia has a political identity crisis. Though he fakes a Busia alliance, he wants to have dictatorial power like Nkrumah who is his family’s avowed  personal enemy because  Nkrumah came on a Danquah invite, he saw and conquered the Independence Presidency which  Danquah presumed was his due. But why?

The  Ghana political landscape at Independence had  two major political figureheads.1. Osagyefo Dr. Nkrumah who is the pivot  around whom we rally for  crystallising the essence of nationhood and the African personality. He is our undisputed first President who declared our  independence from colonial rule for which he occupies a  place of singular high honor not because he is infallible or was a ‘deity who does no wrong’  or was alone in the pursuit but because we give credence to his iconic achievements.  AND :

  1. K.A. Busia  an avid democrat who seconded the independence motion, was  not a member of the UGCC and  represents  intellectual excellence and African democracy in developmental  Freedom. He  was opposed to Nkrumah not on personal but on ideological and policy  grounds because he did  not trust socialism / commimunism  and it’s associated tendencies towards atheism and autocracy.

Busia left blueprints for 1.purposeful education in  Africa . 2  An African democratic search based on cultural and  traditional norms and value systems with Ghana as  a model for Africa  with a technological developmental focus, to lift the rural poor in a God fearing nation. This is the Legacy he dedicated to the  youth of Africa, for which  Ghana and the African Union have not giving deserving credit.

  1. K A  Busia stood stalwart for principles and development of a national  character with values  as a foundation for nation building. As a Methodist lay Preacher  and distinguished statesman with an ideational impetus he did not teach or preach  hollow mantras, destructive cathedrals, opulent lifestyles at the expense of the nation or the  pick- pocketing of pensioner deposits to impoverish them in a harsh economy

H.E Akufo Addo and his treacherous  revisionist cronies at education ministry have even published a political teaching tool for school children  which gives prominence to Edward Akufo Addo  Snr and intentionally  ommits  K.A. Busia  who stategically, in good faith, selected  Edward Akufo Addo  Snr as Ceremonial President in the Busia  government as appeasement but Danqua -ists are insatiable in their vengeance

Indeed, When did Dombo or Danquah or Akufo Addo snr win national elections in Ghana to form a government or a tradition for which AKufo Addo  Snr’s image was circulated to Ghana embassies abroad as though he was an executive President without including  Kofi Abrefa Busia who held executive power as Prime Minister.

Dr. Bawumia has also deftly shifted  and tagged Busia at the end of Danquah Dombo Busia  so- called  tradition in his Dombo uplift.  NPP  is   thus trying to erase Busia  from  his rightful place in history while appending his name  to their political misadventure for expedient votes.
NPP’s  current construct is ill- equipped for national re _ orientation and principled leadership which Ghana requires based on values not a Ghana worshipping corruption as her God and  being led by devouring wolves by proxy

Ghana  in it’s sorry state needs fundamental moral change not empty slogans of an NPP that pays  lip service to Busia while their heart  is not in the right place. Their mindset  is not sacrificial but grabbing, this is why they have  disappointed and failed Ghana .

“Damirifa due oo” , Dear Dad,
You were  blessed  with a mind profound
And courage  to stand
For socio- political freedom and economic justice 
Your had a soul to lift the rural poor Alright
Humility, respect, honor and integrity are values you taught  eloquently, so Right
No irrational  provocative retelling of the past with their jealous Ire shall stand
undermine, or shift your  goodly light

I cannot  sit tight as they lie and go Awry
When your  great purpose was to shine so bright
That your life could  impact even dark knights
So that  Peace shall envelope the night rather than Might
God  almighty was  your guide when it was  unduly Blight
In favour, shall you Rise, Amen

If Ghana wants  to vote for The Danquah usurpers of the United Party and the newly  endorsed  digital surgeon, Dr Bawumia who as economic guru was wringing his hands and biding his time for Ghana to become bankrupt so that Ghana can be handed to him on their gallamsey gold platter, to fix , so be it , but, I’m humbly  not going  to endorse  the charade of disingenuity. “Mate me ho”.

For the avoidance of doubt I do not belong to any political party. Thank you.

“Danirifa due due ” dear  dad
Dedicated to K .A Busia  on death anniversary

Copyright : August 28, 2024

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