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Urgent Request for Investigation into Alleged Illegal Transfer of Voters-Sam Pee Yalley

We, the NDC Professionals Forum, a group of concerned citizens, respectfully petition the Electoral Commission of Ghana to urgently address and rectify the reported illegal transfer of voters to incorrect polling stations.

During the recent Voter Exhibition, numerous citizens have reported discovering their names listed at polling stations other than their designated ones. This serious issue has caused widespread concern and outrage, undermining the integrity of our electoral process and threatening the very foundation of our democracy.

We urgently call upon the Electoral Commission to:

Conduct a Comprehensive Investigation: Thoroughly investigate these allegations to identify and address the root causes of the discrepancies.

Correct the Errors: Ensure that affected voters are promptly restored to their correct polling stations, and that their voting rights are fully protected.

Safeguard Electoral Integrity: Implement measures to secure the integrity of electoral equipment and processes, and prevent future occurrences of such issues.

We urge all Ghanaians to join us in demanding transparency, accountability, and the maintenance of free and fair elections.

For further communication or inquiries, please contact:

Amb. Sam Pee Yalley
National President, NDC Professionals Forum
Phone: 055-936-9506

Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical matter.


NDC Professionals Forum

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