
NDC unveils ‘Black Star experience’ to transform Ghana’s creative arts sector

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has revealed its ambitious plans to transform Ghana’s creative arts and tourism sector in its 2024 manifesto.

The initiative, named “The Black Star Experience,” aims to establish Ghana as a premier tourism destination through year-round cultural celebrations.

These celebrations will include a Pan African Month, a Ghana Film Festival and Awards Month, Culinary Month, Fashion and Textiles Month, and a Literary Month, among others.

In addition to these events, the NDC has pledged to support the creative arts sector by providing assistance to young digital content creators, revitalizing the Creative Arts Fund, enforcing local content provisions, enhancing copyright and royalties’ management, and partnering with the private sector to build a modern recreation village.

The party aims to revitalize the creative arts and tourism industry and create a vibrant cultural landscape that attracts tourists and supports local artists.

Story by Obaapa Janee

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