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Gomoa West drivers embark on ‘No Road No Vote’ demo

Taxi drivers operating between Apam Junction to Apam Township and Apam Junction to Gomoa Dawurampong have taken drastic measures to voice their frustrations over the deteriorating state of their roads.

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Gomoa West drivers embark on ‘No Road No Vote’ demo

Taxi drivers operating between Apam Junction to Apam Township and Apam Junction to Gomoa Dawurampong have taken drastic measures to voice their frustrations over the deteriorating state of their roads.

They have blocked both roads which has halted traffic to stage a demonstration against the government.

The demonstration has left over 500 passengers stranded, including the Omanhene of Gomoa Ahunako Traditional Council, Obrempong Nyanful Krampah, and numerous school children.

In an interview with Ahotor News, the demonstrators said all three Gomoa constituencies have very bad roads.

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The frustrated passengers shared harrowing accounts of how the bad roads have led to numerous fatalities in the area.

The convener of the demonstration, Stephen Dadzie in an interview with Adom News said in 2016, the residents of all three Gomoa constituencies voted for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) with the expectation that their roads would be fixed.

However, he lamented that both their MP and DCE have failed to fulfill their promises, leaving the roads in a deplorable state.

They are, therefore, demanding urgent action to address their long-standing road issues.

Story by: Richard Nana Appiah Kubi/

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They have blocked both roads which has halted traffic to stage a demonstration against the government.

The demonstration has left over 500 passengers stranded, including the Omanhene of Gomoa Ahunako Traditional Council, Obrempong Nyanful Krampah, and numerous school children.

In an interview with Ahotor News, the demonstrators said all three Gomoa constituencies have very bad roads.

The frustrated passengers shared harrowing accounts of how the bad roads have led to numerous fatalities in the area.

The convener of the demonstration, Stephen Dadzie in an interview with Adom News said in 2016, the residents of all three Gomoa constituencies voted for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) with the expectation that their roads would be fixed.

However, he lamented that both their MP and DCE have failed to fulfill their promises, leaving the roads in a deplorable state.

They are, therefore, demanding urgent action to address their long-standing road issues.

Story by: Richard Nana Appiah Kubi/

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