General News

Journalists Struggle with Internet Connectivity at NDC 2024 Campaign Launch in Tamale

The NDC’s awaited campaign launch for the 2024 elections hit a snag today when reporters ran into major internet problems. The event, which took place at the iconic Jubilee Park in Tamale Kawula, was set to be a big moment for the NDC as they prepare for the upcoming vote.

Even with the lively atmosphere and excited crowd, news teams and media staff struggled with spotty internet. This issue made it hard for them to broadcast the event live and share updates, pictures, and clips on various online sites in real time.

Many reporters voiced their annoyance pointing out that in today’s world where quick digital reporting is key, these technical problems can affect how well important political events are covered and how far they reach.

The NDC’s campaign launch is a big deal marking the start of their road to the 2024 elections. A lot of party bigwigs, fans, and VIPs showed up for the launch and meet the main candidates.

Reporters are trying different ways to keep people in the loop about what’s going on at the event, like shooting video to show later.

“It’s tough. We showed up ready to give our audience live updates, but the bad internet is making it nearly impossible,” Amina Bashir, a reporter for a big news outlet, told us. “We’re hoping things get better so we can give our viewers the full coverage they’re looking for.”

Word is that local internet companies are on the case working round the clock to get stable internet back up. For now, reporters are getting creative recording stuff to show later and using phone hotspots, all to keep people in the loop about what’s going down at the event.

As the campaign moves forward, it’s essential for those running events and local officials to make sure future gatherings have the right tech setup to meet the needs of reporters and the public.

Keep an eye out for more news about the NDC campaign launch and other related events.

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