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Kanayo urges individuals to cultivate a mindset of thankfulness.

Kanayo O. Kanayo is reminding everyone about the importance of being grateful. He is encouraging people to develop a mindset of thankfulness in their daily lives and relationships.

The renowned Nollywood actor took to Instagram on July 8, 2024, expressing concern about the growing trend of ingratitude among people. He questioned why some individuals seem very ungrateful, citing examples of unappreciative behaviours like responding with a simple “seen” after receiving a favour or money.

Kanayo O. Kanayo emphasized that such behaviour reflects an “entitlement mentality” and urged people to recognize and appreciate the kind gestures others extend to them.

He further explains that unspoken gratitude can be perceived as ingratitude and encourages everyone to learn to be thankful for the things people do for them.

He emphasized that gratitude can go a long way in encouraging more positive actions from others. After his post, Kanayo’s fans and followers expressed their support in the comment section.

Some shared their similar experiences and agreed with his sentiments, highlighting the prevalence of this issue.

Story by Obaapa Janee

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