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Jakpa’s audio tape played by Asiedu Nketia reveals how Dame asked him to produce medical excuse duty

The National Charman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Johnson Asiedu Nketia has played an audio tape that captures the alleged voice of Attorney-General Godfed Dame and the third accused person in the Ato Forson trial, Richard Jakpa.

In the audio recording, the A-G is heard allegedly telling Jakpa to obtain a fake medical excuse duty and present it to the court.

“You are saying that I should bring a medical excuse duty. Do you want this woman to issue a bench warrant for me again? ” Jakpa is heard in the tape telling the A-G.

Mr Nketia further described the Attroney-General Godfed Dame as a torchbearer of injustice in relation to the court action against the Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson.

Rather than seeking justice, Mr Nketia said, Godfred Dame is hell-bent on securing the incarceration of the Minority Leader unjustly.

“He is not interested in justice, rather just jailing somebody. Torchbearer of injustice…He is hell-bent on securing incarceration of the Minority Leader unjustly,” he said at a press conference in Accra on Tuesday, May 28.

Mr Asiedu Nketia further described the court action against the Minority Leader as persecution.

He says the government has been “persecuting” Dr Forson since 2021.

He said “The Akufo-Addo government has been persecuting the Minority Leader over the purchase of an ambulance. This is political witch-hunting and persecution,” he stressed.

He further stated that the NDC is compelled to set the records straight regarding this court action following deliberate falsehood by Attorney-General Godfred Dame and New Patritoc Party (NPP) propagandists.

“In the context of repeated falsehood, deliberate misinformation, and distortion churned out by Godfred Dame and NPP propagandists, we are compelled to correct certain misconceptions about the transaction.

“It will be irresponsible on us to sit a loof to sit and allow the deliberate misinformation to fester.”

NDC’s press conference was responding to the claim made against Attorney-General Godfred Dame by the third accused in the Ato Forson trial, Richard Jakpa.

The Minority Leader Dr. Ato Forson, Sylvester Anemana as well as private businessman, Richard Jakpa, are standing trial for willfully causing a financial loss of €2.37 million to the state through a contract to purchase 200 ambulances for the Ministry of Health, among other charges.

The state has, however, discontinued the case against Sylvester Amemana.

It is recalled that during court proceedings on Thursday, May 23, 2024, Mr Jakpa fumed at the Attorney-General for accusing him of defending Ato Forson, in his testimony.

The businessman, who was under cross-examination by counsel for the Minority Leader, had earlier been warned by Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe to be direct in his responses rather than going around it and wasting the Court’s time.

Ambulance Purchase trial: Third accused Richard Jakpa
Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame, reacting to the judge’s caution, accused Richard Jakpa of defending the Minority Leader.

This triggered the third accused, who retorted that the Attorney-General appeared pained because he had engaged him to help the state make a case against Dr Cassiel Ato Forson.

Ambulance purchase trial: Ato Forson begged A-G to discontinue the case – Deputy A-G
“The A-G has on several occasions engaged me at odd hours to help him make a case against A1 and I have evidence for that.. If he pushes me, I will open the Pandora’s box. I don’t understand why the A-G will accuse me of defending A1 when I’m here to defend myself,” Jakpa fumed in court.

However the A-G’s department said that the Republic has never required or desired the cooperation of any of the accused persons.

The Deputy A-G Alfred Tuah-Yeboah said this while revealing that Richard Jakpa, initiated plea bargaining through several requests to the state through the Attorney-General, Godfred Dame Yeboah.

The A-G said the plea-bargaining proposal has, to date, not been accepted. Tuah-Yeboah further stated that Mr Jakpa repeatedly requested to enter plea negotiations with the state.

In a statement issued last Thursday Mr Tuah-Yeboah, it emphasised that the state has not in any way engaged any of the accused persons to help the prosecution.

“The Republic has never required or desired the cooperation of any of the accused persons in the matter, in which it has already succeeded in establishing a prima facie case against all the accused persons. Neither the Attorney-General nor any officer from the Office of the Attorney-General has approached any of the accused persons with the view to obtaining evidence from them.

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