It is high time for the youth to muster the courage to tell politicians that if they have nothing constructive to say, they should keep quiet.
The youth are unwilling to jeopardize the peaceful atmosphere of the country.
The future of every nation depends on its youth, as they are the future leaders responsible for advancing the country’s development.
No youth should allow any politician to influence or incite them to violence in pursuit of political power.
Many politicians are solely focused on gaining power and exploiting public resources rather than developing the country by creating job opportunities for the youth and reducing unemployment rates.
Some politicians deliberately subject the youth to economic hardships by neglecting to empower them.
The youth should consider their future and question how many politicians in the country have their children join protests or engage in violence.
Politicians often consider the youth as pawns to sponsor and support their selfish agendas, as their plans would be difficult to achieve without youth support.
Despite amassing wealth, some politicians show little concern for the well-being of Ghanaian youth, but if they realize that the youth won’t tolerate their selfish ambitions, they will reconsider their actions.
Ghana has only one nation and we must not allow any political interests to disrupt its peace.
Politicians should carefully consider their words, as there are senior citizens in the country who become anxious upon hearing irresponsible statements.
If politicians seek public attention, they should promote initiatives that benefit and develop the youth, rather than inciting them towards destructive actions.
They should focus on managing and governing the country to enhance the standard of living for all Ghanaians.
Ghanaian youth desire peace, prosperity, and development, not war.
Story by: Kwadwo Ye-large (Political Doctor)