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Ghana Water Polo: What you need to know about the new sport in Ghana. 

Nana Kofi Asante Boakye of Ghana Water Polo passed through and trust me we learned a lot. 

🖊️ Interesting takeaways about Water Polo 

•It is a 7 aside Sport, 6 players 1 goalkeeper 

•The depth of the water is an average of 9ft hence swimming is key if you intend to play. 

•The game is played 4 quarters, each quarter last for 7 minutes with 2 minutes break 

•Players observe a 5mins half-time break after the first two quarters.

• Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with two hands. All outfield players are required to play with one hand. 

Nana Kofi Asante Boakye is seeking to develop and promote the Sport in Ghana.

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