
Arrest Efia Odo As Soon As Possible –Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Ghanaian lawyer and also a legal practitioner, lawyer Mauric Ampaw has called for the immediate arrest of Efia Odo in an interview. The lawyer urged that the actress can be prosecuted for up to 3 years or fined for her indecent exposure at Kwesi Arthur’s ‘son of Jacob’ album concert.

He reported to have said;

“As at now, our children are being exposed to pornographic material and so, I am calling for the immediate arrest. I am calling on the Director of the Cybercrime Unit and then the IGP to immediately cause her arrest so we stop this kind of impunity. We need to guard our public morals.”

“Efia Odo’s pictures and videos constitute a great crime against public morality and decency. We have a law in the country that guards against our morals, the law is such that don’t promote obscene or pornographic material… we can equate this one to Wise’s case who was sentenced for showing his manhood. There is no difference between the two and currently, the picture is trending, making it very serious…it is a crime because she posted it on the cyber. (Social media)

Many Ghanaians also shared the same sentiments apart from Lawyer Maurice Ampaw.

Credit- ghanaweb



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