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As Akufo Addo’s Economy Crumble , Mahama to offer solutions , as he launched NDC TEIN App

The Tertiary Education Institution Network of The NDC (TEIN) has launched an online Application to spearhead the activities and operations of the students wing of The NDC.

The event which was organized under the auspices of National Youth secretariat of the NDC was under the tutelage of George Opare Addo, the National Youth Organiser in the party.

To download the TEIN APP

The program was held at the “Kofi Ohene – Konadu ” at the campuses the University of Professional Studies ( UPSA) in Accra on Monday 21st , March 2022.

In attendance were, representatives of TEIN drawn across the 16 regions of the country.

Dignitaries, who graced the event, were : Greater Accra Regional executives of The NDC, Members Of Parliament, National executives members of The NDC, former High Commissioners, National Chairman of NDC Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketia, Professor Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang and His Excellency John Drammani Mahama.

In address National Chairman of The NDC Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, offered the charge to chair the ceremony acknowledge the need to introduce the App to promote the activities of The NDC youth front on the digital platform. He noted that the Covid 19 pandemic have limited human interface in the management of systems and the new order of reaching out in the most salient and strategic ways is through the internet.

George Opare Addo, the architect of the event, stated that the App will assist in drawing more youths to the party, since the latter forms part of the revolution to court eligible voters who are Savvy with the new order of executing task in the technological advancements the world.

” may the seed we are sowing here today yield the needed results tomorrow ” he said.

On his part, General Secretary of The NDC Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, acknowledged the youthful groupings of contemporary politics . He shared some experiences and best practices in global politics about the involvement of the vast majority of youths in modern day politics with I CT serving as the conveyer belt.

Professor Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang, 2020 running mate to former President John Drammani Mahama describe the initiative as a fine one, and subsequently congratulated them for the move and exposure given the youth wing of the party on the digital world. She again admonished the youth wing of the party, to put out women centered policies to woo more women especially within the informal level of the economy into their fold in order to make the wing attractive and viable ahead of 2024 polls.

The former President John Drammani Mahama who launched the App express joy and satisfaction to the TEIN executives for putting the party unto the digitized platform. Mr Mahama is of the view that digital technology is the way to go if indeed emerging economies want to catch up with the global market

He noted that the youth forms part of the transformational agenda in nation building and industrialisation drive, and that it is imperative the youth becomes innovative in whatever they do.

The Former President, used the occasion to state that the economic hardships in the country is unbearable and that in the coming days he will issued a fuller statement in the economy and the alternative by the NDC. Foods stuffs in February according to the Ghana Statistical Service went up by 4.6% in 2022.

Both diesel and patrol have had prices shot up astronomically between ghc10 and ghc11 per litre. According to the chamber of Patroleum consumers Ghana (COPEC) and The Institute for Energy Security (IES) the prices of fuel as well as liquifid patroleum products could go up more due to price instability on the world market and the depreciation of the cedi against major trading currency in recent times.

President Nana Addo on the 19th of March, 2022 summoned emergency meeting between himself and cabinet to find solutions to the escalating nature of prices of goods and services under the government. The retreat which was held at Peduase in the Eastern Region is supposed to bring relief in the economy before the end of the first quarter.

Former President John Drammani Mahama believe The NDC is the only party that have the magic wand to turn the fortunes in the economy unto sound footing if the good people of gives the nod to the party to govern in 2024.

Nana Dogbe / AHOTOR News.

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