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Community Police Assistant shed tears as court jails him for 15 years for defilement

A 28-year-old Community Police Assistant (CPA) on Thursday broke down in tears when a Circuit Court in Accra sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment for defiling a minor at a Police Barracks in Accra.

Bright Dzebu told the court in tears: “I am sorry for what I did. I have an ulcer so the court should have mercy on me.”

Dzebu had earlier pleaded not guilty to the charge of defilement. The Court presided over by Mrs Christina Cann, however, found him guilty and sentenced him accordingly.

According to the Court, the accused himself admitted having sex with the victim once and he did not know what came over him to engage in the act.

It noted that the victim also informed the Court that the accused had been having sex with her in the afternoons anytime he closed from work.

Handing the sentence, the trial judge indicated that she took into consideration the age of the victim and the trauma the victim had gone through.

Again it said it considered the premeditation of the accused, the prevalence of the offence in the Metroplolis and the country.

It said the sanctity and the chastity of young girls ought to be protected and that the accused person, whom it described as a “dangerous homosapien” ought to be put away.

Quoting the book of Matthew 5:7, the Court said those who deserved mercy ought to be shown mercy but the accused never showed the victim any mercy hence a deterrent sentence.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Agnes Boafo said the 4-year-old complainant, a trader, resided at the Mobile Force Barracks and the accused, a CPA at the Airport Police Station.

It said the victim was the niece of the complainant The accused, now a convict, also resided at the Barracks.

DSP Boafo said during the month of October 2021, Dzebu took advantage of the absence of the complainant and lured the victim into his room and forcefully had sex with the victim, and warned her not to disclose the act to anyone.

The prosecution said, however, during the early days of December 2021, the victim fell sick and complained of abdominal pains.

When the victim was quizzed, she narrated her ordeal to the complainant, the prosecution said, adding that a report was made at the Domestic Violence and Victims’ Support Unit of the Ghana Police Service and the victim was given a Police Medical form to seek treatment.

The prosecution said because the complainant could not provide the victim’s birth certificate, a letter was written by the Police and the victim’s age was medically ascertained at the Police Hospital.

According to the prosecution, the report estimated the victim’s age as between eight and nine years.

The prosecution said Dzebu in his caution statement to the Police admitted the offence.

Source; GNA

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