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18-yr old baby thief asked to sign bond of good behavior at Kumasi

The Kumasi Circuit Court has asked one Suzy Laar to sign a bond of good behaviour after she was found guilty of stealing a three-day-old baby.

In default, she will serve 12 months in prison.

On September 21, 2021, 18-year-old Suzy Laar was arrested for stealing a three-day-old baby of one Ramatu Seidu at Racecourse within the Kumasi Metropolis of the Ashanti Region.

The mother of the baby reported to the police that her roommate had stolen her three-day old baby and had eloped with her to Ejura.

“The accused person pleaded not guilty. The prosecution called all witnesses to come and testify and after that, the accused person opened her defence and the prosecution cross-examined her. Today was fixed for judgement, and when the judgement was read, the court took into consideration factors that the child was in good condition, that the accused was a young offender, that the accused was in lawful custody as at the time of judgement. So after all these, the Judge considers that the accused person should sign a bond of good behaviour or serve 12 months in default”, the Prosecutor in charge of the case, Regina Oparebea Amoako told the media.

Delivering the judgement on 10th November 2021, the court ruled that Suzy Laar has been found guilty of the act and is to sign a bond of good behaviour or serve 12 months in prison in default.

The prosecutor in charge of the case Regina Oparebia Amoako had this to say…..

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