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Drainage system is making life worse and difficult for us to stay and live

We are not in the rainy season but as we all know, it rains unexpectedly, kisi is not left out as the life over there is unbearable for them because of how the rain is causing harm to the people in the area and making living worse.

 Speaking to the assembly man of KISI EAST ELECTORAL AREA a suburb of KEEA( KOMENDA, EDINA,EGUAFO, ABREM MUNICIPAL HONOURABLE PAUL AKORFUL  ,on what is the major challenge facing him currently that he want the government to pay urgent attention to,he responded “the drainage system is our major challenge, because looking at the topography of the land,,, only those at the upper part are a bit free from the drainage but those at the lower places ,both left and right are in a serious problem/ mess when it rains small or even an hour ,,we have spoken to the MP HON.SAMUEL ATTA MILLS about it and he has given us his assurance, ,some of the prominent people in takoradi too have express their concern to help .”

He added that ” the unemployment rate at my electoral area is very huge and big beyond  me,, sometimes I talk to my youth and council them to desist from social vices , because the devil get work for the idle handed ,the major work at my areas is farming and I entreat all of them to participate since their choice of work is not out yet”

 When he was asked about how difficult the work is ,as an assembly member ,,hon. replied that

“The work is very good and very interactive, people are always on you with their problems.. being it emotional, psychological, financial and all that matters. some also seek advice from us ….I have help people to when it comes to schooling and scholarships ,”

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