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Congress comes before GPL launch; the FA has erred – Blue Boy

Veteran football administrator Kofi Manu, popularly known as ‘Blue Boy’, has waded into the ongoing debate of the launch of the new football season before Congress on Thursday. 

On Tuesday, the Ghana Football Association launched the 2021-22 Ghana Premier League season at the GFA secretariat which was attended by football administrators and club owners as well. 

The decision did not go down well with the critics of the GFA who have complained bitterly about why the launch went ahead before the Ordinary Congress.

Manu, who is well vested with the laws of the game, has argued that the FA failed to apply the laws of the game as written in the constitution of the federation.

In an interview on Ahotor FM’s Agorokansie on tuesday,  the former Aduana director said, 
Article 31 (1) of the GFA status says “Congress shall meet in Ordinary session once every football season, usually before the commencement of the said season”

This he said contradicts with the launch of the Premier League season ahead of Congress.
“The laws are clear without any ambiguity and going against it is either the President of the FA doesn’t know the laws or was a deliberate act”, he said. 

The Ghana Premier League is set to start on Friday 29th October, a day after the 27th Ordinary Congress of the GFA

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