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Amputee armed robber engage police in shootout, one person dead

Two Highway armed robbers have been killed whiles others are on the run after a shoot out with the Police.

The armed robbers who were killed are credited with highway robberies around the Savanna and Bono East Regions especially Bole, Banda Nkwanta, New Longlo and their adjourning communities.

The robbers were swooped after a police informant gave them up to the Police in Kintampo

After receiving the information on the armed robbers, the Police proceeded to Sawla in the Savana Region where they arrested one Ali Igudu, a notorious armed robber and the leader of the gang in Sawla who together with others robbers and murdered Alhaji Ousman Amadu at Nyameafikyire a village near Bole.

Ali Igudu upon his arrest confessed that he was mobilizing other armed robbers for another operation along the Bole – Banda – Nkwanta Highway.

He told the Police that the weapons they use in their robbery expeditions were with suspect Iddrisu and subsequently led the Police to arrest suspect Iddrisu an amputee at a different location within Sawla.

The amputee then directed the Police after his arrest, to Ali Dramani at Bole Sawaba because he was keeping the weapons that were going to be used for the said robbery expedition.

Dramani Iddi upon interrogation admitted he had gone to hide the weapons at foot path at the outskirts of the Bole along the Bole- Banda-Nkwanta road due to their pending operation.

Whilst the police were escorting them to the said location to retrieve the weapons, their accomplices had information about the arrests and became alert due to a call placed to them.

When the team got closer to the location, the suspects asked police to stop the vehicles and walk with them as the vehicles could not be driven through the footpath.

When team escorting the suspects got closer to the location, their accomplices immediately opened fire on the police and in the midst of the confusion, the suspects who were leading the police suddenly ran into a nearby bush in different directions.

The police tactically returned fire and in the process hit suspects Iddrisu and Dramani Iddi who fell and bled profusely.

The other suspects including suspect Igudu Ali however managed to escape into a nearby bush.

Whilst the team was conveying the injured suspects to the Jemma Government hospital for treatment, suspects Iddrisu and Dramani Iddi were pronounced dead on arrival by Medical officers on duty at the Jemma Government hospital.

Police were able to retrieve a talisman, one SAR 9 foreign pistol that has been retained for further investigations.

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