
Don’t Stop Me from Going To Heaven With Your Prophecies! Donzy Chaka Warns Prophets.

Elias Ewusi Essel popularly known in showbiz as Donzy Chaka or Pastor Donzy who featured Kofi Kinaata in “Crusade” has warned prophets not stop his going to heaven with their prophecies .

The Presbyterian Community 4 Trinity member, told the host of Ahotorfm’s Mid Morning Show, Agyewodin Akosua Sakyibea that he dislikes prophecies because whatever is bound to happen happens and no one is to be blamed for that.

What led Donzy to spit out those words was when he chose mobile phone over prayer and bible first thing every morning when he wakes up from bed.

The creative rapper disclosed that when he dies,he will definitely go to heaven because he believes he has not committed any sin and therefore no one nor prophecy can stop him from going to heaven. “ when I die I believe I will go to heaven . Why then will you stop me if am dying ?? Allow me to die . I know I have not committed any sin . So if I die today I will go to heaven . So what are you stopping it for? Allow me because Christians believe in going to heaven after death so why do you fear death?” he said .

The rapper /sing added that he believes in righteousness, doing good and living a moral life rather than faking Christianity by just being a church goer and doing the opposite of his beliefs .

Story by Esinam Wilson , Ahotor Fm

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