Jacob Atule Adongo, the Director for Gender and Disability at the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) says the trial of convicted former GYEEDA Boss, Mr Abuga Pele was mere“ delivery of gross injustice to punish innocent people even after proceedings proofed them innocent.”
Jacob Adongo, who served as principal witness in the case contends the trial judge failed to evaluate the compelling evidence presented by the defense team before arriving at the conviction of the two.
“If the judge was minded of the evidence before her, she would have noticed that US$5million was being expended on preparatory activities including the trip to Latin American which had government officials travel there to under study a similar project sponsored by the World Bank to replicate same in Ghana while the US$60 million was to be used for the main project implementation as has been captured in the project appraisal document presented in evidence to the court,” Jacob told a Press Conference in Accra on 28 February 2018.
The two are together serving 18-year prison sentence after being found guilty of willfully causing financial loss to the State.