If not the lord on our side, let Isreal say. How appropriate to sing the goodness of the Lord especially for the peace of this country.
That was not the story of the Israelites who had become captives in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. They intoned, ‘ how can we sing songs of our Lord in a strange land.’ They were captives in a strange land.
Bible says ‘it was by the rivers of Babylon where they hanged their haps and wept until there was not enough strength to weep anymore. Again that is not the story of Ghana. Ours is one of peace and joy.
Many nations much more powerful and stronger than Ghana are in bondage of war and weeping across the globe. Syria is not only in flames, but worse children and women have become weapons of war. Egypt which was once the center of glory to the world is today spoil of war among it’s foes. Yet our home land Ghana remains as peaceful and fit as a fiddle.
Our girls and mothers are not being rape from their anus like those of Kenya and Liberia and neither have the limps of our young men and fathers been amputated.
We don’t have child soldiers and neither are we sleeping in the bushes nor constantly running away from war. The movie hotel Rwanda brings alot of tears to the eyes, how one ethnic group got up one-day and considered another tribe as cockroaches and proceeded on that assumption to exterminate them. The world was horrified at this bloodbath yet it did nothing.
Ghana instead of being victims of war has consistently provided a safe heaven for its neighbors.We worship God in peace without fear of suicide bomb as in Afghanistan.
Our children go to school peacefully without fear of rampage gun shooting as in the USA. Our leaders have not consented to gay laws and neither have one ethnic group wipe out another.
Ghana is peaceful and it is the doing of the lord.
Beloved if not the Lord on our side, let Isreal say.
By: Akyena Brentuo Benjamin | Broadcast Journalsit | Ahotor Fm